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Why Trubambu?

 At Trubambu we are “true” to our mission and our customers, always providing high quality, natural, and eco-friendly bamboo products.  TrÅ«bambÅ« uses bamboo as a replacement for wood and plastic in our products to make the world a better place and lessen our carbon footprint. Our mission is to decrease deforestation and avoid unnecessary plastic waste in our landfills.  TrÅ«bambÅ« is passionate about working with our non-profit partner, the Nature Conservancy, in their philanthropic mission to “protect nature, for people today and future generations”

Trubambu has also partnered with TropiCoffee, a shade-grown coffee company dedicated to preserving the rainforest and preventing deforestation.  Shade-grown coffee is cultivated under the rainforest canopy, differing from the majority of coffee which is sun-grown and cultivated in tree-stripped land.  We have partnered with TropiCoffee to work towards our mutual mission, decreasing deforestation, together.  Be sure to check out TropiCoffee’s line of fresh, delicious, and environmentally-friendly iced coffee at

Our Partners

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